Assembly candidate Mancuso answers reader’s questions

Thank you, Diane Kloke, for asking your questions in Tuesday’s edition of Stu News Laguna. Like millions of women across the United States, I was shocked when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, wiping out nearly 50 years of protection for women. As for my vote this fall, I am 100% in favor of Prop. 1, the amendment to protect women’s equality in California and keep contraception safe and legal.    

When it comes to the future of women in California, in general, and women who live in the 72nd Assembly District, in particular, I know my opponent and I couldn’t be further apart on the two issues you raised. For example, she is endorsed by, and has taken contributions from groups that believe a 10-year-old schoolgirl should be forced to give birth after having been raped. Her supporters, including California Pro-Life Council  and Californians for Life, are among the most strident anti-reproductive freedom organizations anywhere.  As you can imagine, I’m sure they expect her to be loyal to their extremist views.   

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