Letter: If nothing changes, nothing changes

Courtesy of Laguna Beach Indy

Listening and speaking at the City Council meeting Tuesday night, I found myself thinking about how little progress Laguna Beach has made since I first ran for office in 2016 on certain issues that residents care about. 

One of the main topics my campaign focused on in 2016 was traffic. Eight years later, we are still planning our trips to local stores, beaches and medical appointments around gridlock. 

We’re also still voicing our concerns about the sky-high cost of providing visitor services when so many visitors do not contribute financially to offset the cost of ensuring public safety while they’re here or cleaning up after them when they leave. 

During my 2018 run, I argued that the city needed more public restrooms. That proposal was shot down because some were concerned unhoused people might use the restrooms. Without going into how dehumanizing that view is, the argument makes no sense: we’re a town where residents and visitors and even city staff spend hours at a time outside, yet we have to go way out of our way, or make a purchase, to have access to a restroom. Six years later, we’re hearing complaints from residents about people urinating and even defecating near their homes. These disgusting actions are not justified under any circumstances of course. But could they be avoided if we had more public restrooms? I believe they could. 

With some political will, these are all solvable problems. 

Instead, our council has been focused on massive spending projects, including taking over Laguna Canyon Road and part of Coast Highway. 

I applaud the progress the current council has made in some areas. But I believe the moment calls for accelerated efforts on other issues residents really care about. I am running for City Council in 2024 to bring bold thinking, solutions and action to the city council. Too many residents feel unheard. It’s time to take their concerns into account. 

As I said in my first race, residents’ needs should be moved from the trunk of the car to the front seat. I stand by that statement. 

City Council candidate Judie Mancuso, Laguna Beach