Meet Judie Mancuso as she steps up her campaign for City Council

Article courtesy of Stu News

Sue and Dr. Gary Stewart will be hosting a Happy Hour to support City Council candidate Judie Mancuso on Friday, July 19 from 6-8 p.m. They invite the community to share in light appetizers, beverages and conversation about the concerns that are top-of-mind for Laguna Beach voters.

Photos courtesy of Judie Mancuso (L-R) Sue Stewart, Judie Mancuso and Gary Stewart

Mancuso launched her City Council campaign in March of this year, highlighting her years of business and legislative experience and desire to find solutions to the key issues Lagunans care about most. Her platform priorities are public health and safety, environmental protection and open space preservation, livability and affordability, good governance and accountability, and infrastructure modernization. She wants to make sure Laguna is a place where residents, small businesses, artists and the arts, and of course all animals domestic and wild, can thrive.

(L-R) Jennifer McDonald, Karilyn Ewing, Judie Mancuso and Bob Hartman preparing for kick-off event at [seven-degrees]

“In every conversation I have ever had with Judie, she is smart, engaged, caring and laser-focused on results and how to achieve them,” said Dr. Gary Stewart. “Her work in animal rights reflects her ability to appreciate the importance of seeing things from all perspectives, and her dedication to creating the best experience for all concerned. I am sure she would bring that same approach to the challenges that face our city.”

“I first met Judie many years ago on our street, walking her two little dogs. My first impression was that she was a friendly neighbor, involved in animal rights,” said Sue Stewart. “The second time I encountered Judie was when I attended a Neighborhood Watch informational meeting that she organized with LBPD. I could see she was a caring neighbor, very involved in issues facing us.”

(L-R) Alexandra Cook, Judie Mancuso, Anya Radzikowska and Cissi Frigarde. Mancuso’s Pilates friends gather to support her campaign.

“In the years since, I’ve continued to see Judie take local action that would reach state and even international audiences. The anti-oil ocean drilling event at Main Beach with Jane Fonda and local dignitaries was conceptualized and orchestrated by Judie and she did a stellar job.”

Sue continued: “Judie is a solid City Council candidate who has shown that she gets things done through her political nonprofit and leadership on the Laguna Beach Environmental Sustainability Committee. She demonstrates her abilities to be an active, energetic, engaged, informed, thoughtful and reasonable Laguna Beach resident. Let’s give her the chance to do more good things for our city!

“We are delighted to host this Happy Hour event for Judie. It will be an opportunity for you to get to know Judie even better and you won’t be disappointed!”

The event will be in Mystic Hills. To attend, send an email to and the address will be provided upon RSVP.

One of Mancuso’s top priorities for her campaign is to listen to the community, including the many who feel like they do not have a voice. To this end, her supporters will be hosting a series of meet and greets over the coming months so Mancuso can get a deeper understanding of what is on people’s minds and how their concerns can be addressed at the city level. If you’re interested in hosting a listening session in your home, or simply meeting with Mancuso over coffee, email

Supporters at a Hotel Laguna event – (L-R): Kris Evans, Jacque Gallagher, Suzi McDuffie, Jinger Wallace, Eva Hodjera, Judie Mancuso, Cindy Love, Mike Beanan, Charlotte Masarik and MJ Abraham

To read more about Mancuso’s legislative work protecting animals, people and the planet, visit the website of Social Compassion in Legislation, the nonprofit she founded in 2007, which has had 25 bills signed into state law.  Her successes include landmark laws banning the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in California, banning sales of animals from puppy mills in pet shops and prohibiting the use of wild animals in circuses.

Mancuso’s work for animals has been praised in numerous publications and she been interviewed on countless radio and TV stations at the local, national and international levels. The profile piece that ran was entitled “If Animals Could Vote, Judie Mancuso Would be President.” Her memoir about her decades of political advocacy work will be published in the fall.