Speak Up Newport hosts candidates’ forums for local state races

At one of the final forums for the state races before Election Day, candidates for the 72nd State Assembly District and the 36th State Senate District addressed questions about issues currently impacting Orange County during the Speak Up Newport state candidates’ forum Wednesday night. The organization invited all six candidates running in the two state […]

Assembly candidate Mancuso answers reader’s questions

Thank you, Diane Kloke, for asking your questions in Tuesday’s edition of Stu News Laguna. Like millions of women across the United States, I was shocked when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, wiping out nearly 50 years of protection for women. As for my vote this fall, I am 100% in favor of Prop. […]

Stop the next pandemic

Regarding “Exotic pet trade poses disease risk” (Open Forum, Aug. 15): Thank you for the article calling on more to be done to stop live wildlife imports, the source of many zoonotic diseases, such as COVID and monkeypox.

Concerned with ocean pollution and potential damage to beaches

Living near the beach, I was shocked to hear the news last week that coastal DDT dumping is far worse than expected. In short, we now know the highly toxic pesticide wasn’t just dropped to the ocean floor in sealed containers, much of it was poured directly into the waters off Catalina Island.

Hastings College rename bill advances + Score one for dogs and cats

Score one for our furry friends! Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed AB 1781, requiring mobile and traveling animal housing facilities, such as animal control trucks, to transport dogs and cats “in a manner that does not endanger the health or well-being of the animal due to conditions such as extreme heat or cold, or lack […]

California Passes Landmark Bill Investing Millions in Alt Protein and Plant-Based School Lunches

This week, the California state legislature adopted a $308B budget that, for the first time, allocates public funding for alternative protein research while expanding plant-based school meals.  Supporting robust research Under Section 190, a new provision states that $5M will be directed to support the research and development of plant-based and cultivated meats, reports The Spoon. The funds […]

Governor Newsom Signs the Safe Transportation of Dogs and Cats Act into Law

July 1, 2022 – Sacramento, CA – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 1781, the Safe Transportation of Dogs and Cats Act, into law. The new law, authored by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, requires mobile or traveling housing facilities, such as animal control vehicles, to transport dogs and cats in […]